On Joining a Writer Mentoring Forum
Today I opened my stats and saw the following phrase used as a search by someone who found my blog:
“Do Carol Tice’s Tips Work?” (for the short answer: YES, they do!)
Now here’s the long answer:
As a blogger, I often check inside the blog stats to see how people get to my blog. It helps me to know who my audience is so I can target to those people.
For example, there are various phrases people will type into search engines (such as google), and search engines will produce/pop up my blog in those cases — if I have used those phrases in my previous blogs.
Now, anyone who reads my blog pretty much knows the topics: grandmothers, mothers-in-law, grandchildren, music, networking, self-improvement, and a few side topics like writing as it pertains to being a grandmother of course!
A lot. But did you know that the topic of Carol Tice has recently been on my mind – and in my blog?
Here’s a phrase that I found in my stats today:
Do Carol Tice’s tips work?
Yes – they wanted to know – if her tips work…
I thought that was pretty cool, because just this evening I was planning (really!) to write a post about Carol Tice’s website and mentoring service, “Make a Living Writing”
How it has helped me make a living writing since I enrolled in her Program (to be explained below) last April 2013.
So when I saw that phrase (alongside others about Bubbies, grandmothers, pressuring mothers-in-law, Yiddish phrases, and my regular topics), I thought: “Aha, a perfect segue into my blog post today!”
To answer the blogger-searcher’s question:
Yes – her tips work. I will not go into Carol’s myriad tips that she has given me the past five months. For that you will have to enroll in her FREE website, makealivingwriting.com – you will subscribe to her free newsletter and she will send you daily or almost daily amazing blog posts with valuable, real and practical tips for writing.
As she calls it “practical tips for hungry writers.”
But – I will tell you HOW I have benefited.
First, I will tell you about a facet of her program that has helped me benefit, learn skills, gain confidence as a writer, and really develop my career. And I’m learning new things every day. It’s a process.
Her FREELANCE WRITERS DEN. Yes, Carol (a 6-figure earner from writing alone) has a den. You know, a family room? That kind of den. Except this den is a virtual den – an online den.
She calls it the Freelance Writers’ Den. Picture yourself sitting around on comfortable couches with a whole group of writers just like you from all over the world.
Now picture yourself having the Mom of the Den – the Master Writer, the Expert sitting there with all of you in that Den (you with me here?) and she answers every question you (and the many others lounging around) may have. Usually within a day.
To get into this den – you just have to sign on. But here’s the catch, Usually, Carol has a waiting list. Right now her waiting list has 3,000 people on it.
That is because so many people want to get on, but since Carol likes to keep the Den small and intimate, she doesn’t accept everyone who requests.
But now she’s opening that list – so if you are on the list, or if you are not – show your interest now in getting your questions answered by the pros….and RESERVE YOUR SEAT.
GRAB any one of the two Freelance Writers Den banners to the right of this post — in the sidebar to the right (the one that has those comfy couches and pillows pictured on it). The ones that say “Reserve your seat today.”
Now is that time. Carol just notified a bunch of us to tell our friends that she is about to open the den very shortly.
But you HAVE to sign on to that waiting list. She will only select – by next Tuesday, August 20th — the 300 members from the waiting list.
So GRAB that banner to the right of this post – in the sidebar. Get on that list of accepted members.
Anyway, as promised I’m going to tell you what I’ve learned – from being on her regular website Make A Living Writing, and getting her blog posts….as well as being in her Den.
In the Den — we get constant hand-holding, mentoring, webinars, seminars, ideas, tips, forums, and much more.
Here’s a small sampling of what I’ve gained – and what others have gained– on the way to earning real money as a freelancer
a) how to write a guest post
b) how to write an effective letter of introduction or query
c) how to pitch a high-paying magazine – the ones that pay $1 per word
d) how to market oneself
e) how to find your niche
f) how to improve your blog- how to get your blog to convert –
g) how to write a journalistic article
And so much more.
So get to her website (see links above) and get onto that waiting list because pretty soon, Carol will be opening the den for a select number of Denizens who can benefit from her excellent online coaching.
So to answer that SEO phrase that was plugged into google and they got my site (because I’ve plugged Carol in the past!!), I give you a resounding YES!
Her tips work!
love all your blogs and articles. I absolutely devour them. A secret admirer.