You Get What You Get…
Yes, you get what you get…and you don’t get upset! That’s the chant I’ve used with my music therapy groups of children when I passed out instruments. When some of the kids were a bit disgruntled with the particular maraca or bells they were handed, I used that chant as a reminder. In fact, my own grandsons use this chant on each other.
“Hey, I got it first! You get what you get! Remember?” — he says to his cousin who has just laid claim to a truck or car that he felt was HIS.
“Everything we need to know in life has been learned in kindergarten” is a saying that keeps popping up in my mind’s eye when I realize how valuable these childlike lessons are.
It is all about my choices and perceptions of my lot in life.
I realize these days how God gives each one of us exactly what we need in life. I could pine and wish for that trip to Israel or Europe, but hey – it’s not happening yet. I could choose to be envious of those who take monthly getaways with their spouses. But I don’t. Instead I’m content with the lifestyle that I have.
I could decide to detest that person who somehow racks up all that mileage and manages to take a cruise to Alaska during the summer. But I don’t. I’m happy for them, and even happier for me for being healthy thank G-d, and able to stay comfortably in one place without traveling.
I could also be extremely jealous of said acquaintance whose husband has a job that enables them to get vacation more often than my own husband’s 3 weeks per year – which are mostly taken up by Jewish Holidays. But instead I tell myself that someday – when G-d means for this to happen – we will afford such a trip.
Similarly, I could be resentful of those who seem to have such an easy time staying slim, (okay, okay I’m a bit angry at those people). I could be mad at those who seem to be so calm, cool and collected and rarely (never?) raise their voices. I could find fault with these people because that would be an easy way for me to put them down (in order to raise myself). Instead, I choose to be happy with my lot.
You get the idea. It’s all in our perceptions. It’s all about how we see things. The cup half empty? Or the cup half full?
It is our choice to either be content with our lot, or not. We might as well appreciate our lot in life for what they are: gifts given to us by God, to be used. Not to be compared with others.
We get what we get. Great chant to sing – from kindergarten up to any age!
I just babysat for my grandkids for 3 days and have a few observations to pass on to you / food for thought/your blog, if you want! First of all, I can’t figure out any of the equipment. I needed a little kid to help me operate any of the baby equipment / highchair, carseat, stroller. It was a dose of “humble pie.” I thought, ” I’m educated, I’ve experienced life, I’m prett y intelligent.” Then I tried to tackle homework! New version of new Math – 2+4 doesn’t just equal 6 anymore. There’s something called “arrays”. Modern Hebrew has Hebrafied words like “villa” – could you read that in Hebrew? At the end of the day, the time spent in the park, reading library books, bath time were still activities that we could enjoy together, and were in my skills ability! You inspire me to think about every experience in a different way. Thank you! Have a great day!
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Thanks Faith! That’s hysterical. You had me laughing – reading your post!! Will definitely keep that in mind. I can completely relate, as I’m sure many others can! (and how DO they spell “villa” in Modern Hebrew? With a Vais or a Vov??…)