What Kind of Mother-in-law Are You?
So – you’re looking back at your life and thinking about some past relationships with daughters, sons, daughters-in-law, sons-in-law….mothers-in-law, moms, dads….sisters….
If only I did it differently….I wish I know then what I knew now…I could kick myself over some of the things I said or did.
What was I thinking?
Stop. Don’t do that to yourself. Don’t beat yourself up over the past, and chances are it wasn’t that bad.
Read my Guest Post on today’s guest author section in MiddleSage website.
Still – learn for the future. Are you doing your best to be NICE? Yes – I know they say that “nice guys finish last…” but still – when it comes to in-law relationships..it pays to take the high road.
Do you fit into any of the categories below?
a) You love your DIL’s and SIL’s (that’s daughters-in-law and sons -in-law FYI), but you’re not so sure if you are mean or nice.
b) You just had a fight with your DIL or SIL and you are really angry at them. You’re convinced that they are wrong and you’re right.
c) You had a difficult experience with being bullied as a child, as a daughter-in-law, as an employee — and you’re worried that maybe you might repeat those abusive behaviors with your own children in -law.
d) People tell you that you have a mean-streak. Of course you don’t agree, but you just want to make sure.
e) None of the above- but you love to read good relationship advice.
There you have it – check out my Guest Post- the Seven Signs that You May Be a Bullying Mother-in-law
I’ve worked hard at nice and trying not to judge. This is helpful. I’m trying to focus on the positive and not be negative about many things I can’t change and don’t really understand. Thanks! Good Shabbos!
I really get it. It can be hard when they make choices
that we don’t understand. What I do in
those situations is ask myself
if I have ever made choices that my
parents didn’t understand. The answer is
usually yes. :). Realizing that soothes
me and I can just enjoy the stuff that’s
delicious to me.