The Envelope, Please
My friend, Beth just shared with me a great idea involving an envelope.
This involves putting money in an envelope whenever we catch ourselves doing something measurable towards a preset goal. Watch that money grow and then – when the goal is complete – buy something really wonderful.
While I might have felt “guilty” in the past for wanting nice things, I now respect and value that need – especially when I can use that basic human desire to motivate me towards spiritual and emotional maturity.
For example, let’s take the proverbial weight loss battle.
Imagine that I want to lost a lot of weight. Let’s say I would like to lose forty pounds. (just an example for your imagination here). But it’s taking me really long to stay on plan. I just can’t stay motivated (still pretending, remember.)
Enter the envelope. For every five pounds that I lose, I reward myself with five dollars. So after losing forty pounds, I will have collected forty dollars.
Or – let’s make this really exciting. For every five pounds I lose, I fill the envelope with twenty dollars. So after losing forty dollars – I mean forty pounds, I will have collected one hundred sixty dollars.
As the summer wraps up, we want to get our lives organized, and become ready for the brand new school year. Even if we are in our fifties (that would be me), we still remember those first days of school with our new shoes and new school supplies. New school year meant we wanted to do everything just right.
Those first days of school coincide with the beginning of the Jewish New Year, when we start with a new slate. We try to mend our ways, pray, give charity and perform loving kindness.
So set a measurable, spiritual goal. Make it simple and measurable. Even if it’s not about weight (it’s not always about weight, is it?)
Earlier bedtime. Quality time with one’s spouse or children. More focused concentration when praying.
And to make sure you will keep your eye on that goal, carry an envelope around, and give yourself lots of stars to match up to your achieved objective.
Hold onto that envelope while reaching for the stars.
Love it! (and boy, are you speedy!)
Glad you enjoyed, Beth! 🙂
Nice imagery and metaphor– no need for you to lose that much weight!
Good point. Maybe a goal would be for us to be easier
on ourselves. Right?