Over and Over
Some things in our lives just play over and over. I was reminded of that this morning when I went to my aqua aerobics class together with some of my empty nest friends (Oh yeah! It’s called “ARK” – as per my last post)
This class is otherwise known as my swimming exercise class. (it sounds fancier to call it “aqua aerobics.”) One of the buzz words used by our teacher is “circuit” training. Circuit means we go around in a circle and repeat certain routines over and over. I think we do the entire “routine” of exercises three times in the hour.
The idea is that for the first cycle it’s all new. The second time it’s a little easier for us to do. By the third circuit, we already “get” the motions, and have what is called “muscle memory.” We don’t have to think what we are doing.
Kick, kick, bend, kick, kick, bend. Arms forward, right leg backward, then turn the arms backward (keep those elbows straight) and glide the right leg forward with a kick!
I have to say I really got good at it by the third time around last week when I attended my first class. Or at least I thought I was getting good at it. The teacher said “good job,” and so I sensed my form was correct.
But then something happened when I showed up today. Some of the exercises were like brand new to me. Was she sneaking some new moves in without us knowing? (“add ons” – she calls them). Or was it really the same routine, but I just forgot it all?
I then realized that it really takes a lot of repetition to actually perfect a new move, or motion. Some people may get it on the first try, and others, well,….we need more practice.
And if by the end of several cycles of several circuits, we have improved, then that’s called success.
Over and over — let’s keep practicing, perfecting and fine tuning our moves, behaviors and actions in life.
It is worth the effort.
I totally know what you mean! I have been to that class! Love her, but she loves to stick in new moves! I suppose grandchildren do the same!
Yup! kids and grandkids love to surprise us!