More Writing Buddies
As my final post for now on Writing Buddies, I would like to feature three more writing friends. After that, I will go back to my regular Grandmother and related topics. I will return to writing buddies and book reviews at a later date.
1. Leah (Sherri) Henkin, of Growing the Write Way, is an expert in technical writing. Leah joined our group later in the game, but has quickly become an asset to our group with her helpful feedback and organized mind. Leah sees the good and beauty in all of God’s creations and is a model in building character traits. Leah has a personal relationship with many noted authors including Perel Grossman, the author of Adventures in the Produce Aisle, and S. Bulman who authored two books: Tea with the Rebbetzin and Another Cup of Tea with the…. All of these books have elements of grandmothers kvelling about their grandchildren, a theme that many grandmothers can relate to!
2. Devorah is another writing buddy of mine who I insist on calling “D.T” because of her first name and middle initial. Devorah is at a different stage of life than I am, in that she still has little kids at home! Much of her writing makes me yearn for the good ol’ days when my kids were small, because D.T’s language paints such a realistic picture of motherhood. Devorah T Gordon’s writing can be found in the anthology by Sarah Shapiro, All of Our Lives.
3. Adina G. is a teacher, life coach, QuickBooks expert, blogger and mother of four. Adina, known as “Dini” is a woman of passionate opinions who has expressed them in various publications over the past few years. Additionally, Dini writes a monthly letter to her friends and neighbors discussing her insights on what is occurring in her life and the Jewish world at large. She weaves ideas from the Torah (Bible) into her insights and leaves the reader with food for thought. Dini hails from a family of educators, as both her parents and some siblings are involved in education and Jewish outreach.
What a surprise when I received your blog digest and saw my name (one format, that is)! Thank you for the kudos and the plug!
The two women you reference in your paragraph about me are right on topic for your blog. Both Rebbetzin S. Bulman and Perel Grossman often write about their grandchildren…mostly the “Joys”! The Rebbetzin has several grandchildren vignettes in her second book, Another Cup of Tea with the Rebbetzin. She once shared with me how emotional she felt when her first grandchild said, “Baba”!
Thanks Sherri, I so appreciate your comment! Thanks for the extra tidbits of information about these terrific writers.
PS Although my blog’s title is, “Growing the Write Way,” the actual link is:
Great point you make. Thanks for letting me know. 🙂