ISBN-13 : 978-1600912177
Pages : 274 pages
Publisher : Israel Bookshop Publications
Date: September 4, 2012
Mazel Tov! It's a Bubby!; The Joys and Oys of Being a Mother, Mother-in-Law...and Grandmother
Mazel Tov! It’s a Bubby! (published 2012, by Israel Bookshop Publications) appeals to an audience spanning several generations. It is about grandmothers and grandchildren, and about how I, a relatively new mother-in-law at the time and brand new grandmother navigated my new roles. I have enjoyed, laughed and learned through the ups and downs of my interactions and relationships. The book can be enjoyed by daughters-in-law and mothers-in-law; grandmothers — new ones and old timers — and adult children. It may be given as a gift by a daughter-in-law to her mother-in-law; OR, it may be given by someone to a friend who is about to become a grandmother. It is a book that can be enjoyed by anyone who is open to life, learning, and laughter. Rather than a “tell me,” advice, or self-help book, Mazel Tov! It’s a Bubby! is a “show-me” book. It is a “follow me along and watch what I did” book. It is my hope and prayer that after reading Mazel Tov! It’s a Bubby!, one will have a lighter view of life, and a clearer view of the potential to bridge generation gaps and maintain peace with family members and oneself.
Additionally, my new book upcoming February 2021. Stay tuned for more information on the exciting release of this upcoming book, which will be relevant and enjoyable to all my followers.
Book Reviews
“Mrs. Hendeles’s new book is a compilation of essays…. material touching on the life of the contemporary smart-phone-wielding, Skype-viewing, master’s-degree-holding mother-in-law and grandmother. Mazel Tov! It’s a Bubby! is an upbeat book about a topic that is often fraught with anxiety: the transformation from daughter-in-law and mother to mother-in-law and grandmother. Mrs. Hendeles’s self-deprecating humor and positive outlook set this book apart. She invites us along in her attempts to be a “Model In-Law” and “Model Grandparent.” Her efforts are usually successful, but occasionally flounder. She takes the missteps in stride, poking fun at her foibles, inviting your laughter. That’s not to say that Mazel Tov! It’s a Bubby! shies away from tumultuous emotions. We waver right along with her when she knows her “new couple” needs space but her hand keeps reaching for the phone. We see her mixed feelings about giving her adult children independence when her opinion just wants to leap out of her mouth. And we witness her nostalgia for her children’s youth as well as her hopes for their future. As anyone who has been a mother-in-law daughter-in-law knows, this is by nature a challenging relationship. So many of us make mistakes–and that’s okay, if we grow from them. Mrs. Hendeles writes, “When we sense that we are spinning our wheels and getting stuck in the same patterns of thinking, perhaps we should ask ourselves, `Is it time for a change?'” She’s urging her fellow in-laws and grandparents to improve their old habits and ways of thinking, while acknowledging that such change is hard. As a woman whose oldest child is still in elementary school, I found plenty to enjoy in this book. I think women who already enjoy in-law-hood and grandparenthood will enjoy it even more.” - Rebecca Klempner, author of many books, including Gliksman in a Fix, and A Dozen Daisies for Raizy.
“So…you’ve just become a bubby, eh? What’s that you’re saying—that I should speak louder?....All kidding aside, it’s a big milestone that you’ve reached…and definitely cause for some pampering of yourself, to celebrate your new status! So why not pick up our latest book, a first of its kind—Mazel Tov! It’s a Bubby!—which focuses precisely on your new stage of life, that of becoming a young mother-in-law and bubby! …….. the book is all about the author’s experiences as a mother-in-law and grandmother. It’s written with humor and candor, light enough to enjoy while sitting and relaxing (it’s not easy chasing after two-year-old grandsons, now, is it?), yet thought-provoking enough to initiate lots of good discussions, especially with fellow m-i-l’s and bubbies! Perfect as a gift for those fellow m-i-l’s and bubbies, too, by the way! So, congratulations on your new status…Mazel Tov! It’s a Bubby!” – Jeannie Litvin, former editor and blogger on various Jewish newsletters
“I happened to pick up my friend Miriam Hendeles’ new book, Mazel Tov! It’s a Bubby! subtitled (and here’s the part that really speaks to me and my situation) “The Joys and Oys of Being a Mother, Mother-in-Law…and Grandmother”. And I was comforted to know that I’m not alone. With wit, humor and insight, Miriam relates stories of her own struggles to be “perfect” at those roles.” –Emuna Braverman, author of A Diamond for Your Daughter – A Parent’s Guide to Navigating Shidduchim Effectively
Full post: https://www.aish.com/f/mom/In-Laws-without-Rivalry.html
“This is a fun, wise book for any grandparent, especially for those who are learning to stop giving too much advice, and starting to realize that our adult children are ... adults! Reading it is like a conversation with a wry, honest, warm friend. Chapters are short enough to fit into little breaks in the day, but the whole book still feels coherent. I will be lending this to all my friends as they become new grandmothers.” – Becky Sarah, author of Grandmothering: Real Life in Real Families
Some parts made me laugh out loud (and I don’t do that often).
I love all the little insights about growing up….it’s both entertaining and full of wisdom…
Like a good chocolate bar. But kept picking it up; like when there was 5 minutes here or there… So unlike me. Your book is compelling. I have to measure and dole out my treat allowance. You have succeeded!
“Positive perceptions – way to go” – who cares about money and time? When it comes to spending time with people we love – the grandchildren. As I read that chapter, I thought that if grandparents think of grandkids the way you do, “I am no longer an exhausted mom..” they wd go so far as to take better care of their health so they can be healthy and strong to spend time with their grandkids, not to mention cherish every moment bec kids grow up so fast. Here is another thought as to why the book had such a profound effect on me. I don’t know any of my grandparents. My mother was an orphan and my dad’s parents passed away when I was a baby. What a “joy” it would have been to know and learn from them.
I love the way…she puts a lot of thought into being a grandparent and presents it in a mostly humorous way – so it’s not like you are lecturing to us, just sharing and that’s beautiful.
As a new mother-in-law and a first-time grandmother, I had feelings of inadequacy because I thought I should be full of wise advice for my children. Instead, I found myself learning from them. Now, I realize that I should be very thankful for the wonderful relationships I have.
Each article reflects a person who is always striving to learn and grow and be the best she can be. You write about serious things, but have a gift of being able to laugh at yourself. At the same time you strike an important chord of giving advice while at the same time being humble about it. I was also struck by how open, honest and vulnerable you are willing to be by writing about some of this stuff! I loved “Square Pegs in Round Holes”. It’s such a good metaphor for people at our stage of life. We need to constantly be rethinking and reinventing ourselves and our lives.