Grab a Sale – “Mazel Tov! It’s a Bubby!”
Just a short post to inform all my blog readers that in case you have not purchased my Grandmother book yet for that Grandmother, mother-in-law or friend in your life, here’s your chance to get it really really low-priced. This is a wonderful gift, I am told for Mother’s Day which is coming up soon.
Ready? On (link in the sidebar to the right) you can get “Mazel Tov! It’s a Bubby!” – The Joys and Oys of Being a Mother, Mother-in-law….or Grandmother for about ELEVEN bucks (and change)! Yes, that’s correct. The book retails for 19.95 and recently has been reduced to eliminate the remaining books that have not sold yet. We have almost sold out the first printing, so here’s your opportunity.
A quick recap of what my book is about.
Mazel Tov! It’s a Bubby! is full of stories of my experiences and those of other grandmothers. No advice, no tips, just “follow me along and find out the zany things that I went through to get to the place I am now.
Imagine being a mother-in-law who doesn’t obsess over the naughtiness of her daughter-in-law. Imagine being a grandmother who doesn’t fret how the present generation does it all wrong.
No, I’m not in denial. I’m simply someone who has been around the block and realized the true value of a wonderful relationship with my children, grandchildren (and even the daughters-in-law!).
“Mazel Tov! It’s a Bubby!” – The Joys and Oys of Being a Mother, Mother-in-law, …and Grandmother.
Available at (click on image at sidebar to the right) for extremely reduced rate.
And available at Israel Bookshop Publications (along with many other inspirational books) for a reduced rate as well.
Remember – You don’t have to be Jewish to enjoy Mazel Tov! It’s a Bubby!