Fresh Starts – and a Happy Birthday Wish!
I can’t believe it is September already! Never mind that we (I!) have been counting down the days till date of my book’s release. Never mind all that. Let’s forget about my book for just a moment (as hard as that may seem for me to do! Oy).
Let me take a big breath. Breathe in. Breathe out. There.
This is a time for introspection.
Even though, I – the grandmother – completely forgot about school starting last week, only to be reminded by my little grandson, “Omi – I started school today!” — still I feel the newness in my bones. The fresh start of the month of Ellul. The time to introspect, take stock of the past year, regroup for the New Year, and pray to the One Above for blessings in our lives.
It’s the month that school starts – that awesome place of newness that we grew up returning to every year – day after Labor Day! That amazing chance to start fresh every year with our new school supplies, new resolutions to do our homework, keep our books nice and neat, pay attention in class, study hard, follow directions….you know – all the “right” things.
And for me – this time of year is that special time that our family celebrates my mom’s birthday. My mom, may she live till 120 in good health and nachas – was born on first day of Rosh Hashanah in Bremen, Germany many years ago (I’ll be a good girl and won’t write her age, even though my mom is not shy about her age). My mom thank G-d defies her age; she is youthful, vibrant, active in many community and family activities, and is even a techno-computer-savvy grandmother.
Every year, our family has a tradition. We send my mother 2 cards in the mail. She gets them – a New Years Card plus a Birthday Card on Erev (day before) Rosh Hashanah – wishing her in advance a happy New Year, and also a Happy Birthday.
Some of my siblings and siblings-in-law write long, humorous and touching; amazing and creative poetry for my mom to read on Erev Yom Tov, and then to savor after shul on Rosh Hashanah itself. I write long, mushy and funny prose. (maybe this year, I’ll try a poem for a change…)
So here’s to a fresh start, Mom. A new year again. A happy and blessed New Year. Nachas from all the kids, grand, great grands, etc. Thank G-d!.
Here’s to my mom- my biggest fan, the one who dares to write cute comments on my blog, even if she has to keep changing her screen-name so that people don’t realize it’s my mom! (just kidding!!). To the one who has already read my entire book – the one I sent to her from the pre-release carton that came for family only. To the one who validates me, compliments me and believes in me.
I love you, Mommy! Happy Birthday!
Chavi says
omilaca says
Thanks Chav!!
brochoh says
There goes my heart again
omilaca says
Awww gee…
beccakinla says
I also still write “mushy and funny prose” (and really tacky poetry) for my mom and grandmother. I think that sometimes, when people write for pay, they forget to write just for the joy of giving. I’m sure your mother gets lots of nachas from your cards (and I hope you get to receive some from your grandchildren’s cards in the future).
omilaca says
Amein! Thanks Becca! One of my sisters and one sister-in-law each write hysterical poems. But my mom kvells over everything…both poetry and prose…