Barbecues and Bicycles

Our family had a barbecue tonight in our backyard. It was probably one of the easiest backyard barbeques I’ve had in a long time.
I did nothing. My husband did nothing. The entire event was planned and arranged by our sons and their wives. This is how it came about. At around 11 am this morning my son called me.
“Hi Ma, I want to make a barbecue in your house tonight. Can I do that?”
“Sure, as long as you do it all, because I don’t have the energy these days.”
Reason for no energy, some of you may know, is because I’m still recovering from a broken ankle, and besides the getting around being difficult, I’m kind of lazy in the domestic department. Writing blogs, poetry, music and social media are more appealing to me today.
So back to the barbecue. After a short outing that my husband and I took to a local ice cream parlor this afternoon, we went home, and I took a short nap.
I woke up an hour or so later to pleasant sounds of the children (my grandsons) playing in the backyard. Sounds of splashing water in the pool, riding bikes, and generally having fun. I waited awhile and just relished my privacy and quiet in the room.
After some time, I got out of bed, scooted around to the backyard, and saw some sitting around the table eating, and the kids were riding bikes around the pavement.
“Hi, Ma,” called out my middle son who was flipping burgers at the barbecue grill.
“Hi, Omi,” shouted my 3-year old grandson, who was riding his tricycle around and saying, “look, no hands, look! look!”
“Here, sit down,” said my husband, as he pulled over a chair near the table. “Mommy needs a burger,” he said to my son.
I looked around, and saw everything. The family around the table eating the delicious hot food on a Sunday night, but I saw more than that.
Mixed feelings here. I’m not myself. I’m used to being in the middle of everything, and here I’m in the background. It’s temporary. Soon I will be in the thick of plans again….all in good time.
In the meantime, it’s a relief to have the adult kids running and arranging things!
How many of you can relate to this feeling of things going on around you and you’re merely in the background? How do you cope and deal with these feelings? Share below…
Have a fantastic rest of the summer, everyone. Enjoy your families!
Thank you, Miriam- I felt the combo of Nachas and gratitude that we are where we are at. I know that on the very rare occasions, when put in a background situation via our family, by choice or other, it can be a relief that the world can go on even without us being managers, coupled with the acknowledgement that we helped contribute toward the evolving of these other people..Very mixed emotions. It also is a different type of feeling that is a shock to our system 🙂
Anyhow- Feel good and whole!
Yes, Chavi – loved your line about how the world can go on even without us being managers. How true is that!! Thanks for your wise words.
How lovely that the kids planned the whole thing and you could just be a “guest” at your own home. I’m such a control freak that I’d probably have a hard time relaxing– or letting others do the work– but sometimes circumstances force us to slow down, step back and just enjoy!
Yes, Lisa. So true. Definitely important for me to let go and relax. Maybe that’s part of the silver lining in this whole foot situation I’m in! Thanks….I’m glad others can relate.