Announcing Upcoming Book
When I published my book eight years ago, I thought my second book would be a sequel to my first. More on the topic of empty nest, grandmothering, middle-age topics, etc etc.
Although I wrote many more articles on those topics, I felt the world didn’t need another book on the joys and oys of being a mother-in-law. Or maybe I just needed a new challenge. A new mountain to climb.
And so it was, G-d gives challenges. Yes, He does. No one is immune. While some may be blessedly avoiding becoming infected with the dreaded the coronavirus, these people, by virtue of being human beings, have problems. Challenges. Hurdles.
And so, I wrote a book about a particular challenge I had several years ago. About how I coped and dealt with my stuff. And that book – whose title is still under wraps – is coming out hopefully by the end of the year. I am grateful to G-d for enabling this project to happen.
Stay tuned!! More to come about this in future posts.
Wow! Your energy amazes me! And the website is gorgeous!
Thank you!!