Ankle Journey a la Charles Dickens
It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. It was the age of wisdom, it was the age of injuries, it was the epoch of faith, it was the epoch of disappointment, it was the season of Relief, it was the season of Pain, it was the spring of creativity, it was the winter of atrophy.
It was the time to heal, it was the time to socialize. It was a lonely time. It was a joyous time. It was a time for meltdowns. It was a time for inner growth.
Take-off of “It was the best of times….” from A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
The above describes my story of struggle over the past nine years recovering from ankle issues. I describe some of it in my book Best Foot Forward: How a broken bone changed my life forever. (Israel Bookshop Publications, 2021). I talk about some of it in this website/blog. It’s a process.
I do not want to be identified by my ankle or other struggles. We all have struggles and we all deal with them in our own ways. There’s no wrong way or right way to deal with things.
But, what I have learned is that every given situation has good and bad. Best times. Worst times. Things shift and move. Life is fluid. Our challenge is to grow from our difficulties. How do we grow? Well, that’s a long story.
I guess it all goes back to faith, trust and belief in G-d to help us through it and come out stronger on the other end.
Best of times or worst of times. There’s always good to be found. May everyone feel well and be well.