And the Winner is……for “Pay It Forward”
Several weeks ago, I announced a “contest”- as a “pay it forward” from the generosity that I had received from one of my favorite bloggers, Bottledworder, in which she posted something I wrote about her blog on January 5, 2013. I was particularly honored because I value Bottledworder’s writing, and so when she took my comments seriously and posted them for all her followers to see, I felt validated as a writer.
I wanted to bestow that kind of “Feel good” present onto someone else, in my little blog-like way (I have 132 followers and BW has 4,000 followers – ahem, but still). So I thought of “paying the kindness forward” and running a call for responses to my own readers.
I asked my readers to write in how they would like me to improve my blog in the comments section of that post “Pay It forward” and I would post the winner on January 20, 2013, which is today.
Well just a few people responded, which tells me that I’m doing everything okay! Actually, I’m just kidding – not really. I know that’s not really it; we all have ways to improve. The fact that more people did not answer may mean that folks out there did not have time, or did not care to win the coveted prize that I offered as a reward: of Mazel Tov! It’s a Bubby! – The Joys and Oys of Being a Mother, Mother-in-law,….and Grandmother.
To those people, I say “your loss!” (kidding again, sort of). As much as I enjoy publicizing my book out there, I know it is not for everyone or all grandmothers and mothers-in-law (and moms). Just for some.
But anyway, back to our winner: the winner is, (drum roll,,……dum-dee-dum…)
Ms. Joan Ziff. And here is her lovely post. I appreciate your feedback, Joan and I will be implementing it.
Joan is a follower of this blog and an excellent writer of short stories, plays and screenplays. Joan is an LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District) teacher of 2nd grade, and a graduate of Harvard University with degrees in Education. She and her husband are in the midst of producing a DVD and workbook for pre-school teachers to develop writing and language skills in students through music.
Joan will be getting the coveted award of “Mazel Tov! It’s a Bubby!” giveaway mailed to her home.
Congratulations Joanie!!!
Dear Mrs. Hendeles, Wow!! am truly honored to have been chosen as the contest winner. The main thing is that you have made me feel fantastic ! And that’s really nothing to sneeze at! It’s all about acknowledging and validating others, isn’t it? I really do enjoy your blog and glad you are continuing in this new fiscal year, to hone and sculpt it ,according to your audience’s requests! Even though “winning isn’t everything”, it sure feels good to outshine the competition! LOL! Thank you again for bestowing the prize of MTIAB on me! I can always use another copy to give as a gift. Sincerely yours, Joanie Ziff Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2013 00:35:09 +0000 To:
I am so glad that you are warmed by this winning! You deserve it!! And yes, it is all about validating others….You said it so well in your original and this comment. Thanks so much for your input about quotes and sayings that help our generation cope and succeed. That is very important and I want to implement that. I appreciate your suggestion. Lots of luck to you, Joanie.