All Fall Down – Part II
For those of you who read my blog post from yesterday, you will have noted that I talked about my Grandpa/”Opa’s”
German nursery rhyme that he sang to my siblings and me when we were growing up.
Well, this morning nostalgic feelings overcame me, and I just had to find the exact lyrics to that song online. It turns out that the song has 3 full stanzas.
And here they are!! (I only included the first stanza…for the sake of brevity!)
Hoppe, hoppe, Reiter,
Wenn er fällt, dann schreit er.
Fällt er in die Hecken,
Tut er sich erschrecken.
Fällt er in den Sumpf
Macht der Reiter plumps!
Bounce, bounce, horse rider, if he falls, he’ll scream.
If he falls into the ditch, the ravens will eat him.
If he falls into the swamp, then the rider will go PLOP!
Now that I’m seeing the translation, I’m thinking that Ring Around the Rosey and Hoppe, hoppe…can compete for winner of the prize of the Spookiest Nursery Rhyme out there..
But never mind all that.
Let us grandmothers (and grandfathers) , grandkids and all our families get a leg up and let us move forward, and quit horsing around!
Have a great day!
look at that. How did you find it with your spelling. The computer is really smart and you found it with a picture too. I just noticed this now.